End of Life Training for Carers


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Hillingdon Health and Care Partners logo

Are you preparing to care for someone towards the end of their life?

We know you will be experiencing a whole range of emotions and are unsure of what happens next. You might be caring for someone who has a critical diagnosis or is naturally nearing the end of their life and want to  know what the future might hold and how to deal with it.

We are offering four workshops, delivered both over Zoom and in-person by skilled health professionals, to help you learn about end of life care, the stages of grief, coping techniques and where to access  professional support. We will provide the practical things you need to know and the chance to discuss your feelings.

Understanding palliative care

Wednesday 26 April 2-4pm over zoom

Covering the things you need to know when someone gets a palliative diagnosis. Introducing topics like advance care planning, DNR and hospice care, and sources of support in Hillingdon.

Caring in the home at the end of life

Wednesday 3rd May 2-4pm at Michael Sobell Hospice

Offering the practical skills you will need to care at home, with demonstrations by health professionals and a chance to practise.

Dealing with death

Wednesday 10th May 2-4pm over zoom

Looking at practical actions you will need to take when someone dies, as well as offering strategies to cope with the emotions you are likely to face.

Introduction to complementary therapies

Wednesday 7th June 2-4pm at Michael Sobell Hospice

Teaching you how to utilise complementary therapies like therapeutic touch, essential oils and breathwork to help both yourself and the person you care for.


"It was a good opportunity to learn, speak to others in a similar position and make me think of things I hadn’t broached before".

To discuss which session(s) best suit you or register your interest please call Eva on 07495 966169 or email e.williams@carerstrusthillingdon.org

Published: Mar 22, 2023